SAPWU (South African Postal Workers Union) is recruiting and has members in the Postal and Courier Industry.
Scope Of Union
Our main focus has been to establish our self in the Postal Industry and South African Post Services, specifically the Post Office.
Scope of Union
The second phase of our total onslaught is to capture the Courier Industry and consolidate the members in that sector.
Scope of Union
The aims and objectives of the Union shall be:
To regulate relations between members and their employers and to protect and further the interests in.

To strive for economic and social justice for all workers by means of, regulating relations, negotiating and settling disputes between workers and employers.

To oppose any discrimination in employment and fight for the rights of all workers in any facet of work.

To advance the democratic right of every worker.

To encourage the settlement of dispute by conciliatory methods.

To promote, support or oppose, as may be deemed expedient, any existing or proposed legislation or other measure affecting the interests of members.

To use every legitimate means possible to convince all persons who are eligible for membership to become members.

To encourage and unite into a single organization all workers employed in the industry in South Africa who are eligible to become members of the Union and or to enhance their economic and social welfare.

To protect the job security of members, to advance their employment prospects and generally to do all things that will be in the interest of members in their individual and collective capabilities.

To improve the wages, salaries and terms and conditions of employment of members through collective bargaining and other lawful means.

To provide when deemed necessary, legal assistance to members in connection with their employment and related matters.

To inculcate a spirit of unity and solidarity amongst all members and workers in the industry and educate members of the Union in the true spirit of family unity, oneness and solidarity based on the philosophy of individuality of the workers and their families.

To co-operate with National and International Organization and thereby improve general standard of living of the workers.

To perform other lawful acts as may appear to be in the interest of the Union and its members and oppose acts, which are not consistent with the objective of the union.

To act, oppose and negotiate in the matters concerning Unfair Labour Practice.

To operate in the name of the Union generally such that a role may be played in the social, economic and political upliftment of the community at large.

To observe and act in accordance with the spirit and principle of democracy in all Union activities.