Functions Of Shop Steward Committees

  1. To manage the affairs of the union.
  2. To implement the policies and decisions of the National, Regional and Branch structures of the Union.
  3. To convene monthly general meetings in the workplace.
  4. To report to members in the general meetings on the progress of the Union.
  5. To seek mandates from members and not to impose their will.
  1. To settle disputes in the workplace.
  2. To represent members in disciplinary hearings and grievance meetings.
  3. To build and maintain unity, harmony and discipline amongst members of the union in the workplace.
  4. To recruit and service members.
  5. To do anything else that is delegated to and consistent with this constitution and union policies.
  6. To receive and attend to complaints affecting members concerning their employment. And where necessary to report to the Branch Executive Committee.
  7. To report any improper employment practice, or contravention by employers of statutes, to the Branch Executive Committee, and To send monthly reports to the Branch Secretary regarding matters that requires intervention and follow-ups.

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