The idea of forming an alternative trade union in the Post Office came through informal discussions around early 2008. On the 8th August 2008 in Kwaggasrand (Pretoria) a decision was taken that we start a formal registration process of SAPWU (South African Postal Workers Union) with the Department of Labour.
The draft emblem/logo was circulated to different regions for inputs. The view was that it should capture the essence of the post office worker.
On the 18th December 2008, a formal application was made with the Department of Labour to acquire a Certificate of Registration, this being a requirement in terms of the Labour Relations Act, Act 66 of 1995. The Certificate of Registration was issued by the Department of Labour on the 27th May 2009, with Registration Number LR2/6/2/1672
The process of seeking recognition status in the post office started in earnest from April 2009, which culminated in the signing of the Settlement Agreement on 27 May 2010. The purpose of the settlement was to outline a process that was to culminate in the signing of the Collective/Recognition Agreement, which the post office backtracked at the 11th Hour
On 14 February 2011 we got an award aptly titled the “Valentine’s Award”, which was in favour of SAPWU which was giving us certain organizational rights ( Section 12.13 and 15). The post office then took the award under review at the Labour Court, the post office succeeded in setting it ( award ) aside.
We finally signed our 1st Recognition Agreement with the post office on September 1, 2011. This was after we got a second award against the post office granting us organizational rights. The reluctant post office management finally succumbed and gave recognition to SAPWU. Contact us for the Latest Post Office News!