SAPWU Objectives

SAPWU (South African Postal Workers Union) primary objectives is to improve the conditions of service and protect the interests of its members, individually and collectively, in relation to their employers and otherwise, and generally to raise their status. Operating in the South African POSTAL sector, SAPWU identifies with members employed within the postal industry. It also encouraged sound employer employee relationships. The intention of the ethics is to regulate conflict as peacefully and constructively as possible by endeavouring to settle disputes by conciliatory methods.

The union’s formation continues to be, commitment to fair and honest dealings, and integrity, in its interaction with all its stakeholders, this is the fundamental belief that SAPWU’s operation should be conducted honestly, fairly and within the parameters of labour and other related legislation. SAPWU’s Code of Ethics, then, is designed to enable the union to achieve the following objectives: Provide full-time employees and elected office bearers with a thorough understanding of their union’s traditions, principles and objectives.

Enable employees and elected office bearers to interact in a professional manner and direct their efforts towards benefiting all sections of SAPWU’s diverse membership for the benefit of the Postal Workers Union. Adapt to ever-changing internal and external environments without compromising SAPWU’s goals and principles.

Empower employees and elected office bearers to deal calmly and professionally with emotive issues that may arise at meetings of the union’s structures and during professional interaction with employers. Promote democratic decision-making by fostering the fact that a successful democracy requires both discipline and acceptance.