Still don’t know what your post workers union subscription policies are?

9.1 The NC or SNC or CEC sets the sapwu subscription policies from time to time.

9.2 Subscription fees shall be R60-00 and will be deducted from a Member’s monthly salary.

9.3 Collection and Banking of Subscriptions
9.3.1 Members including elected office bearers must pay their subscription fees monthly to the union.
9.3.2 The union must issue receipts immediately for these fees unless stop order facilities are in operation.
9.3.3 The union must keep a record of the contributions of each member.
9.3.4 All amounts received for membership subscriptions and other amounts due to the union from members must be deposited in a national banking account not later than 5 days after receipt thereof.

9.4 Exemptions From Subscriptions
9.4.1 The Branch Executive Committee may exempt a member from paying sapwu subscription if that member has been unable to work on account of illness for a continuous period of 3 months with