Scope Of The Union

1. SAPWU (South African Postal Workers Union) is A Trade Union For Post Office Workers and is recruiting and has members in the Postal and Courier Industry.2.

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Our Members Always Benefit

Our South African Postal Workers Union offers comprehensive benefits to members, such as representations for internal disciplinary hearings and grievance hearings as well as representations at CCMA

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We Are Here For You

The South African postal workers union was formed to give support to all the employees working at the South African post office. Our Trade Union For Post Office Workers does

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The Formation Of SAPWU

The idea of forming an alternative trade union in the South African Post Office came through informal discussions around early 2008. On the 8th August 2008 in

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Postal Workers

As a South African Postal Employees Union, we have numerous amounts of postal workers that make sure that you receive your mail on time. Our south African postal Employees

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SAPWU Objectives

SAPWU (South African Postal Workers Union) primary objectives is to improve the conditions of service and protect the interests of its members, individually and collectively,

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