
Each member of the South African Post Office must complete, fold and deposit the ballot paper in a container provided for that purpose. Members must not sign or mark

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UNITY In Action

SAPAWU’s strength rests on two important pillars; the union’s unwavering commitment to its credo “Unity is Strength”, and its members’ commitment to improving the welfare

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Control of the Union

The South African Post Office Union’s decision making structures comprise the following bodies and Postal Workers, no individual will make decisions on his own: Shop steward Committees at

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SAPAWU’s Code Of Ethics

SAPAWU (South African Postal Allied Workers Union) primary objectives is to improve the conditions of service and protect the interests of its members, individually and

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Benefits To Our Members

Our union offers a comprehensive benefit to members, which include the following: Representations for internal disciplinary hearings Representations in grievance hearings Representations at CCMA and

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Post Office Constitution

The Post office constitution was brought about by the department of communication. The post office sought to ensure that people are connected all over the world. Its

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Scope Of The Union

The idea of forming an alternative trade union in the Post Office came through informal discussions around early 2008. On the 8th August 2008 in Kwaggasrand (Pretoria)

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Aims & Objectives of SAPWU

The aims and objectives of SAPAWU (South African Postal Allied Workers Union) and other Post Office Unions are: To regulate relations between members and their employers and to protect

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SAPWU Fighting For Rights

The idea of forming an alternative trade union in the Post Office came through informal discussions around early 2008. On the 8th August 2008 in Kwaggasrand (Pretoria)

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